15 weeks


about 10 weeks ago brad came home from work to a big and exciting surprise. hudson and I met him at the door as soon as he was home and delivered the news that i am pregnant! we jumped up and down with shock and excitement. hudson was a little confused by all our craziness but thought it was funny. so, in 25 weeks or so a precious baby will be joining our family. we won’t know if baby z #2 is a boy or girl until they decide to be born into this world, but i know that either way hudson will be very excited to be a big brother.

in other news brad and i are leaving hudson for the first time and going on a romantic trip to paris. we leave today! i am mixed with emotions. nervous about missing my sweet boy, excited to spend time with my husband, and happy that hudson has amazing family that is so willing to take care of him while we are gone. i’m hoping to come back from this trip refreshed and ready to take on being a mother of 2.

i apologize for the lack of posts lately. my computer is acting up and won’t let me download pictures. i’m hoping to resolve this issue when i return. look forward to many belayed pictures of my growing hudson and belly.



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