Monthly Archives: December 2012

it’s the most wonderful time of the year


christmas is over. it has always been hard for me to take down the christmas tree and decorations knowing they won’t be up again for another year. this year was no exception. it was such a joy to celebrate our savior’s birth with my two little boys, family and friends. hudson got a lot more into gift opening this year than last and well brekken was here. our trip to grand forks was full of visiting friends, hanging out at sally & jeremy’s, cooking and eating the most incredible food, and opening too many presents. we are so thankful.





miss you mom


missing this pretty lady so much today.



i miss how much she would have loved these two cuties the most.


i remember her telling me that she already knew that she wanted a license plate stating #1 grandma when i was just in high school. she loved babies and children more than anyone i know. so thankful that i have the amazing hope of celebrating with her in heaven. she will love my boys even more then.

“he will wipe every tear from their eyes. there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” revelations 21:4

the birth


i received the story below in an email forward the other day. it is a beautiful illustration of what it may have looked like the night Jesus was born. it helped me imagine how mary and joseph probably felt that night. giving birth to not just any baby, the Son of God. such an unbelievable miracle. happy birthday, Lord!

Squatting, Mary uttered a last fierce cry as the Son of God, bathed in water and blood, slid from her body.  Sagging to her knees, Mary lifted him and held him against her breast, welcoming him into the world with soft joyous tears.  He cried in the cold night air, and Mary worked quickly, using the yarn to tie off the cord before cutting it.  She gazed at her son in adoration as she washed his slick, squiggling body with water and rubbed salt over his skin to prevent infection.

She was surprised that he looked like any other baby.  There was no hint of Shekinah glory, or of the majesty of his Almighty Father.  Ten fingers, ten toes, a thatch of black hair, skinny little legs and arms and the wizened face of a newborn who dwelt in water for nine long months.
She laughed as she wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and held him again, kissing his face and cradling him tenderly in her arms.  “Jesus,” she whispered, “my precious Jesus.”  She was filled with emotion.  She held in her arms the hope of Israel, the Anointed One of God, Son of Man, God the Son, the Son of God.  Closing her eyes, she breathed a prayer.  “Help me be his mother, Lord.  Oh, help me.”
When all was accomplished as her mother had said, Mary rose on trembling legs.  “Joseph,” she called softly, “come and see him.”
Joseph entered the cave immediately, his face pale and sweating as though he had been the one in travail and not her.  She laughed softly in joy and looked down at Jesus sleeping in her arms.  “Isn’t he beautiful?”  Never had she felt such love for any human being.  She felt she would burst with it.
Joseph came close and peered down at the baby, a look of surprise on his face.  Mary’s knees were trembling with exhaustion, and she looked around for a warm, safe bed for her son.  There was only the manger.  “Add more straw, Joseph, and he’ll be warm.”  As Joseph prepared the manger, Mary kissed her baby’s face, knowing that one day this baby would grow up and hold the destiny of Israel in his hands.
“It’s ready,” Joseph said, and Mary stepped over and placed Jesus in the manger filled with straw.  When she turned, she felt light-headed.
Joseph caught her up in his arms and placed her in a bed of fresh straw.  Her eyes were so heavy.  “I’m sorry, my love,” Joseph said in a choked whisper.  “”There’s no one here to help you but me.”  He removed her soiled dress, washed her gently, dressed her like a child in a soft woolen shift her mother had made for her, and covered her with blankets, tucking the edges around her the same way she had tucked Jesus into his humble, warm bed.
Mary sighed, content.  “All is well, isn’t it, Joseph?”  He kissed her softly.  “Yes, my love.  All is well.”
Joseph rose and went to stand by the manger.  His heart beating fast, he stared down at the child.  Tucking his finger into the edge of the blanket, he drew it down so he could gaze on the face of the one who would save his people.  “Jesus,” he whispered.  “Jesus.”  He touched the velvet-soft skin of the infant’s face and brushed the tiny palm.  When the baby’s fingers closed around his finger, his heart raced even faster.  Never had he felt such encompassing joy – and spreading terror.
Am I to be his earthly father, Lord?  A simple carpenter?  Surely your Son deserves better than I?
Joseph looked around at the dark walls of the shepherds’ cave, and tears filled his eyes.  Filled with shame, he looked down again and swallowed hard.  “Forgive me.”  This child deserved to be born in a palace.  “Forgive me.”  Tears streamed down his cheeks.
The baby’s eyes opened and looked up at him.  Joseph’s shame melted away as love filled him.  Leaning down, he kissed the tiny hand that gripped his finger, and everything in him opened to the will of God.
When a footfall sounded behind him, Joseph turned sharply, placing himself firmly in front of the manger.  An old shepherd stood at the entrance of the cave, a younger man just behind him.  They peered in with expressions rapt and curious.  “Is the child here?”  The older man stepped inside the cave.  “The child of whom the angels spoke?”
“The angels?”  Joseph saw other shepherds behind these two, and beyond them, a flock of sheep in the grassland below the hillside cave.
“An angel of the Lord appeared among us, and the radiance of of the Lord’s glory surrounded us,” the shepherd said as others crowded the entrance.  “We were terrified, but the angel said not to be afraid.”
Another said, “He told us, ‘I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!’ “
Another pressed forward.  ” ‘The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord-has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David!’
The older shepherd looked from Joseph to Mary, asleep in the hay, and then to the manger at the back of the cave.  His eyes glowed with hope.  ” ‘ And this is how you will recognize him: You will find a baby lying in a manger, wrapped snugly in strips of cloth!’ “
“Suddenly, the angel was was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven-praising God: ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to all whom God favors.’ “
Tears streaming down his face, Joseph turned and lifted Jesus from the manger.  “His name is Jesus.”
At the sound of Jesus’ name, the shepherds fell to their knees, their faces aglow in the firelight.
Mary awakened.  Startled at the gathering of strangers, she pushed herself up.  Joseph came to her and hunkered down, with Jesus in his arms.  “The Lord has announced Jesus’ birth, Mary.”  He explained how the shepherds had come to find them.
Smiling at the shepherds, Mary sank back wearily.  She smiled serenely as Joseph placed God the Son in her arms.  Joseph and the shepherds watched as she and Jesus fell asleep together.
“The Lord is come,” Joseph said quietly.
The old shepherd closed his eyes, ears blending into his beard.  “Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Mary awakened in the wee hours of morning at Jesus’ cry.  She drew him close and nursed him, marveling at what God had done for her.  Each tug at her breast filled her with a sense of wonder and bonded her more strongly to her son.  The night was still and silent as she cuddled Jesus close.  She could see light streaming into the entrance of the cave and wondered at it.  When Jesus finished feeding, she rose carefully, wincing at the pain in her loins, as she carried him back to the manger and snuggled him into the blanket cradled by hay.
Taking up her shawl, Mary went to the cave entrance and gazed up at the night sky.  Was it her imagination that one star shone more brightly than all the others?  It was like a shaft of light breaking through the floor of heaven and shining down on the City of David.  Had not the prophet Joel said the Lord would display wonders in the sky and on the earth when the Savior came?
Lifting her shawl, Mary covered her hair.  “Lord Most High, Creator of all people, you who dwell in heaven so far above us, you who are holy, I love you.”  She pressed her clasped hands against her heart.  “I adore you.  There is no other like you in all the universe.”  She closed her eyes, her heart filled with confident hope.  “You have made me the vessel for your Son.  Your kingdom will come.  Through him, you will reign upon the earth as you do in heaven.”  She looked up again.  “Blessed be the name of the Lord, and blessed be the name of your Son, Jesus.”
The cold night breeze rippled through her thin dress.  She hugged her arms around her.  Though chilled, she remained at the cave entrance a moment longer, thinking about the day the angel of the Lord had come to her with the announcement that she would bear God’s Son.  She thought of Joseph’s dream and his acceptance of her and the miracle child she carried.  She thought how even a Roman emperor unwittingly obeyed the will of the Lord by commanding the census that called Joseph home to Bethlehem, so that the prophecy about the place of the Messiah’s birth would be fulfilled.  She thought about the shepherds who had received the news of the Messiah’s birth from the angels.
And the more she thought about the things that had happened, the more she realized her mind could not fathom all that the Lord had planned and would accomplish through her son.
Her gaze drifted over the landscape.  She looked up at Herod’s palace on the mount overlooking Bethlehem.  Up there dwelt an earthly king so jealous of his power that he had murdered his wife, Mariamne, and two of his sons.  Shuddering, she stared at the lighted windows of the great castle.  They seemed to stare down at her.
Weariness swept over her and she turned away from the mouth of the cave.  She must rest so she would be ready when Jesus needed to nurse again.  Yawning, she returned to the bed Joseph had made.  The hay rustled as she sat, and her husband awakened.  He started to rise, but she put her hand against his shoulder.  “Everything is fine, Joseph.  Go back to sleep.”  As she lay down, he drew her close and pulled the blanket over them both.  He asked her if she was warm enough and tucked her closer.
Outside, God’s sentinels stood guard against the one who would destroy the child.  Finding no way to enter into the humble sanctum, Satan turned away in a cold blast of fury.
I will find another way to kill the one who threatens my domain!
His minions came to report that men were traveling from the ends of the earth to see the king the new star announced.
I will draw them off the track to Herod, for then my will shall be accomplished on earth.  Dark laughter echoed in the night while Mary and Joseph slept.
Only Jesus awakened and heard.
“Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you with great fury, because he knows he has a short time.” Revelation 12:12



yesterday i turned 29 years old! i don’t feel this old, yet do at the same time. either way i’m excited i have one more year in my 20’s. not feeling ready to be in my 30s yet. so i’ll enjoy every moment.

i had a wonderful day. the morning started off a little rough with the high ambition of making it to our weekly bible study on time so we could partake in the annual christmas sing-along. instead we were 25 minutes late. i was just thankful we made it out the door. i had a screaming baby, a clinging toddler, 2 poopy diapers, was only half dressed, and realized brekken needed to be fed before we left when it was the original time i was hoping to leave the house. we made it though! my amazing sister treated us to lunch at mill valley kitchen after bible study. it was so good!! we went home after for naps and afternoon play time before brad came home from work. i took advantage of a free class at my favorite yoga studio on your birthday and enjoyed amazing sushi delivery with my husband with a bottle of wine we bought during our trip to france. brad went off to hockey, hudson to my sister’s house for a sleepover and brekken and i enjoyed an evening to ourselves. it was perfect. the best gift of all was hearing hudson tell me happy birthday. he is learning new words every day. i was excited that he decided to learn this new phrase on my special day.

what’s for dinner


we are back to normal life around the zielke household. back from vacation, cooking for ourselves (we had meals from amazing friends over the past 2 months), and getting on more of a routine with naps and feeding my babes. it feels good!

i have to share our dinner from last night. it was so delicious. i found the recipe in the most recent lunds and byerlys magazine that i picked up at the store the other day. it is written to be a side dish so  i changed a few things to make a main dish and came up with this…..

moroccan vegetables over quinoa with honey & almonds

1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1t cumin
1t coriander
1/4t cinnamon
1/4t cayenne
2 sweet potatoes, cubed
2 large carrots, diced
fresh lemon zest
1 cup vegetable or chicken stock
3 cups spinach, choppped
lemon juice
1T brown sugar

saute onion in olive oil for at least 10 minutes to caramelize. add garlic, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and cayenne. stir until fragrant. add sweet potato, carrot, lemon zest and stock. bring to boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer about 10 minutes. when sweet potato is cooked, uncover and stir in spinach. cook until spinach is wilted. stir in lemon, brown sugar and salt.

2 cups stock or water
1 cup uncooked quinoa
1t olive oil
1/4t turmeric
1T honey

bring stock, oil, turmeric, and quinoa to a boil. add honey, cover, reduce heat, and cook for about 20 minutes.

sprinkle your plate with these amazing almonds from trader joes and enjoy!


side note on these almonds. they make anything that might possibly taste good with almonds delicious. they also are an incredible snack. you need to go buy a package of these right now.


and because i can’t resist, here is brekken’s 2 month picture. yep! he is 2 months already. crazy! he is one smiley baby. i didn’t even have to try to get him to smile for this picture. he is such a joy.
