Monthly Archives: January 2013

help please


ever since i had the courage to leave the house with both brekken and hudson in tow i have noticed how helpful and generous strangers are to a mom with her children. i feel like i haven’t had to open a door or pick up a fallen mitten since that day. everyone (but mostly moms who remember the days of running errands with small children) wants to help in some small way to make my day a little easier.

i had the smart…ok not so smart…idea of running to the grocery store last week when it was barely above zero outside with both kids. i put brekken in a sling while still sitting in the car so he wouldn’t have to be out in the cold. after struggling for a good 10 minutes to accomplish this task i exited the car thinking the rest would be much easier. i then proceeded to get hudson out of the car asked him to “hustle” to the nearest cart in the parking lot to get him in the seat. once i got to the cart i realized this next task was about as difficult as getting brekken in the sling since i was trying to carry too many things. i was seconds away from a breakdown thinking we should just get back in the car and go home when a fellow mom came to my rescue. i’m pretty sure she had been watching me struggle for a little while trying to decide if she should step in. she asked politely if she could help me get hudson into the cart. for a brief moment i almost said no because i wanted to prove that i was supermom. i asked my pride to step aside and cried yes please!! she picked up hudson got him in the cart, buckled him up, told me she has 2 boys that are all grown up now and remembers “these days”, and asked if i needed anymore help to get inside. i thanked her with all my heart and ran in the store to keep us all from freezing. as a i did my shopping i reflected on how God did not design parenting to be done perfectly and definitely not alone. He gives me grace everyday to love and parent these precious souls. i just need to ask “supermom” to step aside and receive His blessings.  IMG_1417 IMG_1418



just like his mama


it’s pretty unanimous that brekken and hudson at this point in their lives do not look alike. it’s hard to say what exactly makes them not look alike. just in general i guess. i was looking through my baby book the other day and found an explanation for this often asked question. brekken looks just like me! we all know that hudson looks like his daddy. now i have proof that brekken looks like me. below are a few pictures of me at the same age as brekken. never thought i would enjoy having my son look like me!

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love story


three years ago i attempted to set up one of my very best friends with the cute new single guy at our church. alyssa was living with us from her return to the states after serving in cameroon africa for 2 years. she wanted to make us a cameroonian dinner so we invited paul to come share the adventurous meal with us. i wrote in my journal that day that i wished paul would marry alyssa. that one day came true! it didn’t come true as i was expecting it to, yet it is one of the most beautiful love stories i have ever heard. God wrote their love story and they followed His will….not mine thankfully! it may have taken longer than i was hoping (and a few others as well) but God knew best. He knew that paul & alyssa were perfect for each other. He also knew that their time to be together didn’t start that night i planned the “set up” it begin a couple years later. so, when alyssa called me last march to share the news that her and paul were dating i cried tears of joy knowing God was right and so very faithful.

it was a beautiful wedding. one that i really didn’t want to end. alyssa was stunning, paul beaming with joy, and our dance shoes were on all night. congratulations mr & mrs! we love you.

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