brothers share a room


in preparation for baby z #3’s arrival (due date in 5 weeks!!) we moved the boys into hudson’s room to share. this has been the plan since we found out we were expecting and i have been nervous everyday since. my stubborn, doesn’t want to miss out on anything, first born takes a good long while to fall asleep. he loves to put up a good fight before letting his eyes close for the night. he has significantly improved over the last year through a lot of training, but it can still be a battle. my second born is the opposite. on most nights he doesn’t make a peep before dozing off. he falls asleep quickly and peacefully. so, as you can tell they are not a match made in heaven to be roommates at this point in their life. but, we don’t really have a choice. after a lot of prayer and chats about sharing a room we pulled the plug a couple weeks ago. the first two nights were just a disaster. they both were under the impression that it was party time and chatted, brekken jumped around in his new bed, sang, and called us in several times before we brought brekken back to the baby room for the night. BUT, by the grace of God we just laughed and enjoyed this hilarious failure. due to our own stubbornness we did not give up on trying night number 3. and thankfully this worked! the boys figured it out and eventually went to sleep, through the night and woke up as usual. since then it’s been so much fun to see their brotherly bond grow even more. hudson loves to tell brekken a couple stories or ask him to say random words as they fall asleep. he gets really sad if we move brekken back to baby’s room when one of them wake up too early, and he loves to tell people about his brother room. so thankful for these little guys. and now we are almost ready for baby to arrive!


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