Monthly Archives: June 2014

following the leader


there are several days lately that it seams as if brekken believes we are playing follow the leader with hudson being the leader on every turn. he copies every move his brother makes. today at the playground hudson jumped from one slide to the next with brekken following him every step of the way. he would sometimes trip or fall behind and would race as fast as his little legs would take him to the next slide that hudson was at. the other day hudson was on his way out the door when he bent down to fix his shoes. brekken followed suit. our little follower also tries to repeat any funny sound coming out of his leaders mouth. it just makes me giggle.

hudson is growing into his role as big brother in the sweetest way too. he is always making sure brekken will be joining us for our plans for the day, asking to help him in small ways and giving him random hugs. earlier this week i told brekken i needed to check his diaper to see if we needed to change him. hudson ran over to him, pulled back his pants and diaper and proudly proclaimed that no, brekken had not pooped. he is getting more and more ready to be a big brother to two little siblings.

the amazing emily v. captured these sweet brothers a few weeks ago with our beautiful city of minneapolis as the backdrop. i’m beyond thankful for her and her talent.

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the month of may


i haven’t updated my blog all month because we have been too busy playing outside FINALLY! it’s been one beautiful month so we have spent every moment we can at the park, beach, on walks, in the sandbox, having picnics and eating lots of popsicles to celebrate surviving the longest minnesota winter ever. we’ve been watching my belly grow and grow this month too. i’m 26 weeks pregnant and feeling great. we are all looking forward to meeting this little peanut and finding out if my boys will have another brother or a sister! enjoying the days with just 2 babes for now though!IMG_0325 IMG_0327

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