Monthly Archives: May 2011

the beginning


most mornings while growing up, my loving mother would wake my sister and i up with her favorite made-up song. she would enter our room, open the blinds, and begin singing “good morning, good morning, it’s a brand new day and we’re gonna have fun, good morning, good morning!”. she composed this song and many others she often sang to us herself. she wasn’t a musician by any means, but loved life and loved to be joyful through silly songs. thus the inspiration for my blog title along with a few others….

i became a wife and mom in the past 2.5 years. this has definitely been a brand new life for me. an amazing new life that i have fallen in love with and look forward to each day. i married the most wonderful man in the world who now provides for our family and allows me to stay home and raise our incredible son. my last name changed from starting with an o to a z (this explains the “it’z”) on september 12, 2008 when i married my husband.

most importantly, i am inspired by our heavenly Father’s promise that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Jesus made all things new when he died on the cross for my sins and promised to forgive me, protect me, and love me EVERY DAY. He is faithful to all of His promises.

i’m not entirely sure what i will share on this blog. i thought it will be the best place to share what is going on in our home with most of our family living far away and document silly stories, lessons learned. and whatever else comes to mind. maybe a more defined theme will evolve with time. we’ll see….
happy reading. enjoy!!